On 16 and 17 October for the first time ever Lesotho will become active on QO-100 satellite Bernie ZS4TX and John ZS6JON will be operating under the callsign 7P8Z in gridlocator KG30tp. Operating times will commence on the morning of the 16th through to the 17th. Look for 7P8Z operating at the top end of the oscar 100 band, working split listening up. They may also be active on CW at the same time if space to install two stations can be found at the lodge. Using SGlabs trsv, 1,2m dish a poty feed. Feel free to contribute to this expedition, all donations are very welcome. All paypal contributions direct to info@pa3cmc.nl QSL only direct via PA3CMC, as the postal Service in South Africa is currently not reliable. QSL adress: Lins Berben Simonshoek 2 5768CS Meijel Netherlands
Radio Amateurstation PA3CMC. My name is Lins Berben. I am licenced since 1980. My previous callsigns are PD0LHB and PE1HSU. Living in smal village called Meijel in JO21wi. My main interest VHF DX. Favorite band 2m. But also QRV on HF, 6m, 4m en QO100 satellite.